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Integrated Pest Management

use of pesticide
Integrated Pest Management

Integrated pest management (IPM) is the process implemented by the District to address the use of pesticides and herbicides in our schools to help ensure students and staff safety. IPM is based on prevention, monitoring, and control with the goal to eliminate or reduce the use of pesticides and herbicides.
The California Healthy Schools Act (HSA) was enacted in 2000 (HSA Frequently Asked Questions). It is a right-to-know law that provides parents and staff with information about pesticide use taking place at public schools and childcare centers (except family daycare homes). The law encourages the adoption of effective, lower-risk pest management practices, also known as integrated pest management (IPM).
The goals of the HSA are to address the health and environmental concerns associated with the use of pesticides at schools and childcare centers and to assure healthy learning environments for California children. The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is charged with carrying out the HSA.
The Healthy Schools Act of 2000 requires that all school districts provide parents or guardians of students with annual written notification of expected pesticide use on school sites. Use of many of the pesticides listed on the notification may not be required depending on conditions.
Please see our Safety Documents>IPM for more information about our district Integrated Pest Management Plan including the Healthy Schools Act and Department of Pesticide Regulations.

Prior to every pesticide application

Signs are posted at the school site prior to every pesticide application indicating the date of intended application and the pesticide to be used. Parents or guardians may register to receive individual prior notification of pesticide applications. Those listed on this registry receive notification of intended pesticide application at least 72 hours before pesticides are applied. Records of all pesticide use at the site are maintained for four years. These records are available to the public upon request.
If you would like to be notified every time we apply a pesticide in the district, please email the information required to


If you have any questions, please contact the Maintenance & Operations Department at 408-723-6424.