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We communicate the Metropolitan Education District's mission, vision, values, and goals and engage the community in supporting student achievement. The Communications office's goal is to increase awareness, visibility, and support for the Metropolitan Education District's programs. Our office plays a central role in engaging all educational partners in two-way communication. Communications works with the Superintendent, MetroED staff, the Governing Board Members, and our partners to actively engage students, parents, teachers, and community members. 
The Communications office is responsible for the majority of the District's internal and external communications, is the liaison between the district and the news media, and connects with our community and corporate partners in building a thriving learning environment for our students so they can reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives. We oversee communication for our district students and 100 staff through strategic communication planning, community relations, partnerships, marketing, branding, and district leadership advising. Programs are supported through consulting on various issues, including marketing, outreach, and crisis response. The office is responsible for Metropolitan Education's districtwide internal and external publications, videography, community relations, media relations, district website, website accessibility coordinator, and social media, to name a few.