Pearson VUE Industry Testing
Each year more than 14 million people around the world take an exam with Pearson VUE. Chances are you, or someone you know has recently tested with us.
More than 450 credential owners across the globe choose Pearson VUE to help develop, manage, deliver and grow their testing programs. From downloadable practice tests to high-stakes, proctored exams that require the industry’s most secure testing environments, Pearson VUE is the leader in computer-based testing — and much more.
Educational Certification Tests
Availbale Tests forEducational Certification Tests![]()
Availbale Tests for
Educational Certification Tests
To schedule your test today, register at Pearson VUE and select the appropriate test program from the select your program section. The following tests are available:
- CBEST - California Basic Educational Skills Test
- CPACE - California Preliminary Administrative Credential Examination
- CSET - California Subject Examinations for Teachers
- CTEL - California Teacher of English Learners
- NES - National Evaluation Series
- RICA - Reading Instruction Competence Assessment
- And much more...
For more information refer to Pearson VUE Testing Center Frequently Asked Questions.