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You can support the students and teachers of the district in many ways!

  • Offer Internships for Students

  • Provide Job Shadowing Opportunities

  • Provide Mentoring Opportunities

  • Participate in Career Fair Days

  • Provide Corporate Visits

  • Serve as an Advisory Member

  • Join the Foundation OR Serve as a Foundation Board Member

  • Adopt a Class/Program

  • Serve as a Guest Speaker

  • Become a Volunteer

  • Donation of Equipment

  • Donation of Funds

  • Employer Matching

  • Establish Scholarship 

group of people standing around a car

would you like to 

  • Funds: You can donate to the MetroED Foundation online here to help with student scholarships. Or you can make a check out to Metropolitan Education District.
  • Raffle prizes, goods/services, or equipment: It’s a classic fundraiser! We are always looking for fun ways to support our students and staff. If you or your company have something special you would like to contribute, let us know! 
Contact Information

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Contact Information

Interactive Profile Card

Sheena Fuentes

Senior Accountant